Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions set out in this document provide a contract between Calmer Lives and its participants. Prior to any booking participants must have access to this information and be able to confirm acknowledgement using an online booking facility, Calmer Lives (office365.com). For any family unable to use the online booking facility, a copy can be provided and delivered via email or post.
An individualised contract will be provided to participants for any goods or services that cannot be booked and purchased through online booking. i.e. additional services that are specified within this document.
Service provision
Calmer Lives provides x4 bookable service provisions.
Therapeutic Support
Early Help
CEDA Members
Whilst there are common policies around booking and cancellation, this document sets out to clarify specific differences in costs and attendance.
Introductions / Therapeutic Support
All hourly consultation rates are costed at £55 / hour. This priced is fixed and will be next reviewed on 31.03.2025.
Payment must be made prior to attending appointment.
Using BACS:
CEDA Bank of Scotland
Sort Code: 12-13-55
Account: 00186150
Reference: CL + initial + surname (e.g. CL J Bloggs)
A statement will be sent to purchaser by email (or address, on request) at the end of each month. For any outstanding payments, these must be made within 30 days of invoice. No further appointments can be booked until payment received.
Early Help
Cost = £55 / hour
Cost = £15 Basic Summary Report
A purchase order must be in place before booking appointments. These are raised with Devon’s Early Help service, local authority, or another purchaser. Full payment can be made at onset of consultation. Alternately invoices made at the end of each month based on appointments attended.
CEDA Members
All hourly consultation rates are costed at £40 / hour. This priced is fixed and will be next reviewed on 31.03.2025.
Additional costs:
Introductions / Therapeutic Support / Early Help
An individual contract is provided to participants requiring additional goods and services. Payment must be made prior to attending appointments with any additional travel, or venue hire costs included. Reports and supporting information will be invoiced following their completion and sent to purchaser email (or address, on request) at the end of month.
Reports – a report can be provided on request. Total cost £55.00/ hour of admin time. (£27.50 / every half hour)
Supporting information – requests for supporting information are costed at £55.00/ hour of admin time. (£27.50 / every half hour)
Attendance to TAF, CIN and other meetings – Based on session rate £55.00 / hour.
Travel – Where travel is required this is costed at £0.45p/mile travelling to and from office based at The Clare Milne Centre, Exeter, plus consultant travel time (£55.00 / hour, £27.50 / every half hour).
Venue Hire – Rooms based at CEDA offices are not subject to charge. However, venues sourced outside of this location can be subject to additional charges.
Introductions / Therapeutic Support / Early Help
If for any reason participant is unable to make the scheduled appointment it may be possible to reschedule. This will apply if the consultant has space to accommodate the change within 10 days, then the session charge will be applied at total cost of the appointment.
Cancellation by participant:
Introductions / Therapeutic Support / Early Help
Cancellations received with at least 2 weeks’ notice will not be charged and a full refund will be provided.
Cancellation in Severe Weather Conditions:
Introductions / Therapeutic Support / Early Help
Where appointments are provided in person, no charges will be made for non-attendance during periods of severe weather conditions where it is unsafe to travel. Alternative options to offer appointments remotely through video or phone call will be offered. Participants are not obligated to attend in this way if it is not their preferred option.
Data protection
Introductions / Therapeutic Support / Early Help
On booking, appointment details of purchaser are required including name, address, contact number and email. To proceed with booking, participants understand that the data CEDA hold is managed in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which applies across the United Kingdom. All information is held confidentially and will not be shared with third parties, unless you have expressly given permission for us to do so. Further details can be found through CEDA, Privacy Policy.

© Copyright Calmer Lives - A CEDA Service - Registered as a company limited by guarantee- 4693500 REGISTERED CHARITY No. 1096528