Welcome - we are Calmer Lives
Supporting neurodiverse individuals and families to live
calmer, connected, happier lives
Hello, we are your therapeutic mentors, Howard & Jennifer, with a combined 30+ years experience supporting neurodivergent people of all ages and their families. You may have any number of challenges right now. We are ready to listen and then help guide an organic and unique pathway to improving your situation.
Early Intervention Crisis management Person Centred Positive
Neuro-divergent ADHD Autism PDA Trauma Informed Caring
Calm Connect Support Co-regulate Collaborate
Understanding Low Demand Relational Happiness Knowledgeable
Feeling lighter Right Strategies Family Help Sounding Board
Click to learn more about us, our experiences and our values. Discover if we may be the type of professional you can build rapport and trust with.
What impact has our tailored therapeutic support been having over the years?
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