It takes time to build rapport and relationships. Developing TrUSt is all about affording more time to build meaningful connections. Learn how to co-regulate and collaborate on unsolved problems together; This, both within family relationships and between families and our consultants.
Family support to include both parents and carers with their child, young person
  • Cost £55 / hour
  • Provided only to families where it is possible to include child, young person
  • Sessions can be attended over the course of a year and extended if required
“Having been failed by the support services offered by our local authority, my daughter started sessions with Calmer Lives to help her to work through the troubles she was having with a variety of  issues including school anxiety and family relationships/dynamics. After attending a series of  weekly sessions, she has now arrived at a much happier place in life and feels better equipped to handle the challenges that her rapidly approaching adult life will bring. I honestly don't know what we'd have done without the help of Calmer Lives.

I subsequently reached out for help with Calmer Lives after hitting a wall of my own; stress from work compounded by complex family/relationship dynamics left me close to despair without the motivation to look after my own needs. Calmer Lives expert advice and guidance showed me how to achieve the best outcomes for myself and my family, underlining the importance of prioritising my own needs. My now monthly check-ins with Calmer Lives will help me to ensure that I'm continuing to improve.

Working from home, I find that the online sessions worked best for me since I can simply block a suitable time-slot out of my day and be in therapy without leaving my 'office'.

Calmer Lives guided me sensitively through the relationship issues I was experiencing with my neuro-diverse children. After each session, I was directed towards relevant supporting resources and materials that I could utilise in my spare time to quickly give me the tools to improve. I'm now taking a completely different approach towards communication with my whole family and can honestly say that my relationship with them as a whole has never been better. I wouldn't be in this position without the help of Calmer Lives.” - Calvert family

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