Parents, teens, professionals who are experiencing crisis

  • Flexible booking system. Waiting time may vary but aim to offer a quick response when the need is required.
    “Jennifer has been and still is a huge support for us, not only offering consistent guidance and knowledge around all areas of our complex child and family but also supporting applications, referrals along with propping up my mental health” - Curtis family
     "My thoughts on this are that this is the only service that has actually worked from our perspective. You have helped us to understand autism and neurodiversity; how to be better parents for Audrey; and  allowed us a therapeutic (empathic, non judgmental) space to offload and share where we're at. I feel the system around supporting SEN kids is highly dysfunctional, shaming, pathologising (of kids and parents), gaslighting, unscientific and unintelligent. Having to operate in that system requires a need for resilience and an ability to differentiate between truth and bull***; and the space we've had with you has helped on both those accounts, and thus stopped us going crazy! This of course then allows us to be better parents to Audrey, and not to pass the pathologising / gaslighting / shaming onto her." - Mood family                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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