This is our opportunity to introduce you to a setting in which you can feel safe and share your experience without judgement. We are here to listen. This in itself can be therapeutic, especially if it’s the first time you have felt listened to. We will get to know one another over the course of 2, 3, maybe 4, one hour meetings and, in turn, help establish the priorities before recommending a course of action, moving forward together.

We ask at this stage whether you have any preferences in the way we conduct the meetings. Are there some obstacles that need removing to help us attend together effectively? For example, the family pet passing by can be both a great source of comfort and equally a distraction for others! Have you considered how you best learn and share information? We hope we may be able to offer some adjustments to the environment and our communication to meet your preferences. We tend to ask some questions and are aware that difficult topics to talk about may come up. Anyone can say ‘no’ and take a break at any time it’s needed. Individuals are not bound into long contracts and can be signposted onto support that may be a better fit for them. Our intention is not to set anyone up to fail.


This service is for anyone meeting with our consultants for the first time. Typically we see parents and carers to start before we meet children/young people of any age.


  • Cost. £55.00 / hour
  • Up to 4 x1 hour meetings provided over phone or video call (in person arranged where possible)


  • Improve participant’s wellbeing by enabling them to share their experiences without judgement
  • Improve families understanding of root causes behind any difficulties they are experiencing
  • Build a foundation for a longer term support package


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